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My name is Kawiria Creed, and I'm proud to call myself a soon-to-be-published teenage writer. I also like to draw, as you can see above.

For the time being I won't be able to show my face online, so let's just assume that I'm extremely good-looking. 

I'm only a teenager, so there isn't a lot I can do in the world. I can't have a job or drive a car yet, for one. But I discovered early on that there's no such age limit on writing. There's no sign somewhere that says, "Sorry, only persons 18 years or older can become a published author". So I started writing. And writing. And reading. And writing. I may have managed to find help online, but it was help specifically designed for adult writers. So I figured, be the change you want to see in the world. I'm certainly no professional, but if I can succeed in being a teenage writer, then so can everyone else. My mission is to combine everything I've learned about writing over the years into this website, but filtered for the ever-growing audience of writers under 18.

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