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How to Raise Money as a Teenager

Early on, during the first couple years of being an aspiring writer, I was hit by the realization that drives so many other young authors away.....

The fees.

Yes, there are fees when it comes to writing a book. You likely already knew this, but do you know how the fees compare with the eventual rewards?

Here, I'll lay it out for you.

Let's say you wanted to publish copies of a basic, perfect bound, softcover novel of about 100 pages (an estimated 25,0000 words). It would be $2.49 per copy in most places. Meaning if you wanted to print 50 copies it would cost you a little over $100.

Okay, that's not a lot. We're fine.

But wait, there's more.

Before you can publish your novel, you'll need to get it edited and designed/formatted by professionals. This can be a lot of trouble, especially if you're planning to self-publish. Professional editing can cost anywhere from $300-$3,000, depending on how much editing you need, and for how long. Book designers and formatters would be about the same. Once you add everything up, these extremely important services show their importance through the piling bills( Although in all cases, hiring freelancers will save you a little money).

A year or two ago, I estimated the total price for the publication of my novel to be around $1,000 or more. For an unemployed student such as myself, such a fee can seem impossible to match.

I don't mean to discourage you. But it's always good to know what you're facing. And as a young writer, you'll be facing a few financial problems. Setting these things up on your own will be hard, so if you're not yet old enough to have Paypal and a bank account I recommend you seek an adult's assistance.

As for the actual prices, that's what this article is for.

I'm going to tell you how, over time, you can get the money you need.


A lot of people will tell you to do this. It may seem like grade school all over again, but you can be paid quite a lot as a teenager to watch someone's kid or dog for a couple hours. I remember getting $80 in one day just for watching a movie with a couple 9-year-old's while their parents were away. I'm not saying all kids, or even all pets, will be easy--but once you build up a good reputation as a sitter you'll see the money flying in.


Got any old stuff you don't use anymore? A boring book? A toy you've long grown out of? An extra cellphone? Just sell it! This doesn't only apply to Ebay. Sites like Kijiji and Craiglist allow people of all ages to sell their used stuff. It may seem a bit slower sometimes, but it's a great means of income to have on the side.


This works a bit better for college students, but as a highschooler or middle schooler you can still be an amateur tutor. If you happen to be a bit better at Math than a classmate who needs help, you might be able to charge them $5-$15. Again, it may not work as well at this point in life. But it's worth a try.


Back to the basics again! Similar to babysitting and petsitting, this job will get you a lot more money than expected.....but only if done well. You may have to go all out this summer, starting an unofficial neighborhood business. Once you make yourself known, the next step is to get a weekly list of customers. And the more you do for those customers, the more they'll pay you. My brother and I were pulling weeds, trimming bushes and thinning jungles along with mowing lawns. We'd rake in about $70 each after working for the whole day.


Another great website for making money would be Fiverr. You can use whatever talents you've got, from writing to drawing to voice acting. There can be a lot of competition, since the site is rather popular, but if you do things right you're sure to find a few customers. Anyone age 13 or up can start an account. But you'll need a Paypal and somewhere for all the money to go to.


Here's another opportunity to use your talents. You can make a decent income by selling snacks and drinks, or even handmade bracelets, on the street. Doing errands for the elderly can also get good money from time to time. These things are a bit less professional, sure, but just as effective as everything else. Try cleaning the inside of your Dad's car. Washing windows. Planning a birthday party. People are much more willing to pay young people for the odd jobs they wouldn't want to do themselves.

I hope all this helps you!

Remember that no matter what the prices to writing a book may be, there will always be something you can do to earn the money. Just be patient, and keep working hard. I like to think determination will get you to any goal.

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